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Conservation Meeting Minutes 12/21/06
 Conservation Commission
December 21, 2006

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Hank Langstroth, Janet Dunlap, Katherine Roth, Stephen Cremer and
Christine Turnbull were the members present. Laura Nelson, Finance Committee liaison, was present
in the audience.

7:45 p.m.  RDA Public Hearing filed by Stephen J. Patkin, Trustee, for the proposed replacement of the
          existing leaching system at 1205 General Edwards Highway:

Mr. Robert Moitoso from R.E.M. Land Surveying Co., Inc. appeared before the Commission to
represent the Applicant and submitted a proposed plan entitled, "Subsurface Sewage Disposal System,"
dated 12/1/06. The proposed sewage disposal system is approximately 3,800 sq.ft., and the generated
wastewater rate is 2,660 gallons per day. The proposed system will provide service for two buildings.
(100,000 sq.ft. for the warehouse and 20,000 sq.ft. of office space.) The wetlands on the proposed project
site were delineated in September 2006. The proposed project is located inside the Water Protection District.
The Applicant recently met with the Board of Health and requested the following variances for the
proposed project:
      To allow the construction of the proposed septic system to be 4.0’ above the estimated high ground
       water table instead of the required minimum of 5.0’ in an area where the percolation rate was less
       than 2 minutes per inch.
        To allow the construction of the leaching field for the proposed septic system to be installed
      11.4’ from the street right-of-way instead of the required minimum of 25.0’.  
If the variances requested by the Applicant are not approved by the Board of Health, the Applicant
proposes to construct a retaining wall by the 5’ over dig area so that additional grade work will not be
necessary to complete the proposed project. (The height of the elevation at the top of the proposed
retaining wall is 102’ with a 2’ step down to meet the level of the proposed sewage disposal system.)  
The scope of the proposed project:
To install a pressure-dosed system inside the 100’ Buffer Zone on the proposed project site
The leaching field is located 70' away from the Bordering Vegetated Wetland line on the site
and is proposed to be installed underneath the parking lot area
The two existing septic tanks on the site will be removed from the site and replaced with
the following:
5,000-gallon septic tank
3,000-gallon septic tank
5,000 gallon pump chamber with two pumps
Mr. Moitoso explained to the Commission that a construction date is not available at this time.
Peg called for a motion to close the hearing as per submitted plan.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.
Peg called for a motion to issue a Negative Determination per submitted plan with the following
conditions: Pending approval by the Board of Health, the Applicant for the proposed project
is required to contact the Conservation Administrator prior to construction for inspection of the erosion
control devices. If the Board of Health requires any revisions to the submitted plan, said plan needs to be
submitted to the Commission. If the proposed project is to be completed by the new property owner, then
the new owner is required to contact the Conservation Administrator before the start of work.
Hank Langstroth moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:00 p.m. N.O.I. Public Hearing filed by AvalonBay Communities, Inc., for the proposed construction
               of an apartment complex community and associated site work at 361-363 Norwood Street:

Present: David Kelly, Engineer, from Kelly Engineering Group. Dennis Lowry, from ENSR, Corp.
              Liz Keohane, and Liz Smith, from AvalonBay Communities, Inc. Attorney Adam Hundley,
              from Goulston & Storrs.

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A proposed Site Plan dated 12/29/05 with numerous attachments and the green abutter cards were
presented to the Commission. The Applicant stated that the Proposed Comprehensive Permit, (40B) has
not yet been approved by the ZBA for the project. Liz Smith reviewed the scope of the proposed project:
The Applicant has scaled back the density of the proposed project since the Commission approved the
ANRAD Application submitted by the Applicant in 2004. 156 apartments are now being proposed on the
28-acre site under a (40B) LIP Project. (25% affordable housing. 64, 1-bedroom apartments. 92, 2-bedroom
apartments. 295 parking spaces. 45 garage spaces.) The Town of Sharon will provide the water supply for the
proposed project. The Applicant previously negotiated with the Board of Selectmen to upgrade a water main
pipe on Norwood Street for this project. Water saving plumbing fixtures and low flow washing machines
will be utilized for the proposed project. The installation of a 5’ deep sewer line is proposed for this project.
Sewer services will be provided by the MWRA through the Town of Norwood. The sewer line is proposed
to flow off-site into the Town of Norwood through a forced sewer main pipe on Edge Hill Road.
(The Applicant is waiting for State approval concerning the MWRA connection.) The Applicant will obtain
its water supply from the Town for the domestic and fire emergency needs of the proposed development.
The wells on the project site will provide the necessary water supply for the proposed irrigation system.
The irrigation system will be designed with rain sensors. An on-site recycling facility is also proposed for
the project.  Dennis Lowry explained the history of the wetlands on the site to the Commission:
A mature woodland exists in the eastern portion of the site. The western edge of the forested portion
of this wetland borders areas of mounded earth that reflect past work activities on the site. A drainage
swale has been cut through the middle of the two areas of mounded soil and extends westerly into the
central part of the site. The open field north of the swale contains variable soil conditions and evidence of
previous excavation work. In 2004, Mario DiGregorio met with the Conservation Administrator on the site
and confirmed that the excavation work created a large area of wetland meadow. This open field is currently
dominated by purple loosestrife. Drainage from the wetland flows in a northerly direction before
discharging into a tributary of Traphole Brook and the Neponset River.
Dennis asked the Commission if they plan to implement a management control program in this area or
allow the wetland to go fallow. Grading for the project is proposed inside the 100’ Buffer Zone.
The construction of the apartment units is proposed outside of the 50’ No Build Line.
The new sewer line installation is proposed inside the 100’ Buffer Zone but within the paved area of the
street right-of-way of Edge Hill Road & Tiot Street.
David Kelly reviewed the proposed site plan and existing conditions for the project to the Commission:
The design of the proposed stormwater management system complies with the Massachusetts DEP
standards for stormwater management. Erosion control measures will be installed during construction to
lessen the impact to the wetland areas and adjacent properties. David stated that efforts were made to balance
the amount of cut and fill and to minimize the amount of impervious area on the site for the proposed project.
The total amount of impervious area expected to be increased from the project is approximately 4 acres.
No grade work is proposed at the back of the proposed buildings. As part of an agreement made with the
adjacent property owners, the Applicant has agreed to maintain a 50’ setback area from the property line
to the proposed buildings. The emergency access road is proposed within 12’ from the edge of the wetland
area on the site from the proposed retaining wall. The design of the emergency roadway will comply with
Fire Department regulations. The drainage plans for the project include recharging the excess roof water
runoff by installing a series of leaching basins and chambers at the corners of the proposed buildings.
A stormwater wetland detention basin is proposed in the eastern part of the site. A small basin and level
spreader is being proposed along the southern edge of the wetland to treat stormwater runoff from the
southeast corner of the proposed development area. The distance between the level spreader and the
wetland is 25’. This resource area will be re-vegetated with native plant species after construction
of the proposed project. The stormwater management plan for the proposed project is designed with
a 3 to 1 slope in this area.
Hank inquired about the proposed sewage holding tank for the apartment complex.
David stated that the tank is designed to hold the facility’s wastewater up to 48 hours during a major
storm event.

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Peg explained to the Applicant that the bottom of Tiot Street and Edge Hill Road is an area where
numerous water main breaks have occurred due to high water pressure.
AvalonBay Communities proposes to maintain the basin and access road adjacent to the cart path during
The Commission requested the following:
To define the cart path area more clearly on a new plan   
That heavy equipment is not to be allowed to access the cart path for construction of the proposed project
To include the proposed design plan of the emergency access roadway on a new plan    
To provide details of the proposed irrigation system for the project on a new plan
To revise the shape of the proposed basin in the eastern part of the site and to move the level spreader
further away from the wetland
To submit a snow removal plan with designated storage areas located outside of the 100’ Buffer Zone.
An abutter expressed his concern that more flooding might occur to his basement from the proposed project.
David explained to the abutter that the groundwater would continue to flow in a northerly direction, away
from his property.   
Laura  Nelson inquired if the existing Dogwood trees located at the lower end of the property line would be
disturbed from the proposed project.
David explained that the Dogwood trees would not be affected from the proposed project.
Laura requested information relating to the water evaporation rate calculations for the   
proposed swimming pool.
David Kelly stated that he would submit the calculations concerning the proposed swimming pool on
a new plan.
Laura inquired if a snow removal plan has been submitted for the proposed facility.
Liz Smith replied that a private contractor would be responsible for snow removal and the snow piles  
would not be stored near the buffer zone areas of the site.
Laura presented a copy of an e-mail message to the Commission from Paul Lauenstein requesting
that the Applicant considers installing high efficiency toilets because they use 1.1 gallons of water per flush.
Liz Smith stated that the Applicant is not comfortable with installing toilets that use less than 1.6 gallons per
flush because they feel that the technology is not adequate for the toilets to function properly.
Peg inquired if the Applicant would consider installing the high efficiency toilets in the bathroom area
of the proposed clubhouse, or any place outside of the residential units.
Liz stated that she is willing to continue the discussion concerning high efficiency toilets at the next
meeting with the Commission.
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until January 4, 2007 at 8:00 p.m.
Stephen Cremer moved. Janet Dunlap seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:40 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. Negative Determination for Stephen J. Patkin, Trustee, 1205 General
Edwards Highway.

9:50 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjoin from the meeting.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.